-- Students from the Japanese Department of Our School Won Good Prizes in the 32nd Japanese Speech Contest for University Students in the Guangzhou District By Liu Jue 17:21 December, 9 2019
Japan NHK report link: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20191207/k10012206101000.html?utm_int=news-international_contents_list-items_008&from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0 On December 7, 2019 (Saturday), the 32nd Japanese Speech Contest for University Students in Guangzhou was held in the Sixth Teaching Lecture Hall of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. This contest was sponsored by the Japanese Consulate General in Guangzhou, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, and Guangzhou Japan Chamber of Commerce. There is respectively only one winner in the first, second and third prizes in this contest, so it’s very competitive. A senior student from Jinan University won the first prize. Liu Chang, a sophomore from the Department of Japanese of our school, won the second prize and Zhuang Guisheng, a senior of our school, won the excellence award (both instructed by Liu Jue and Zhang Shouxiang). It is reported that Liu Chang will be funded by the Japanese institution to study in Japan. NHK, one of Japan's mainstream media, reported this event. 23 Japanese major students from 11 universities participated in this contest. Contestants delivered a keynote speech around "the Future of Sino-Japanese Relations and Youth” in Japanese first. Then they answered questions from the judges on the spot. The contestants’ fluent Japanese, brilliant performance, and the guests’ wonderful comments gave the audience a fascinating enjoyment. After the contest, the judges, instructors, team teachers, and contestants held an exchange meeting, and carried out a warm and harmonious exchange on topics of common concern. The two winners from our school conveyed the idea that youth should have a sense of patriotism and social responsibility, and contribute to the Sino-Japanese friendship. What’s more, it demonstrates that students majoring in Japanese in our school can think independently and express their ideas freely in Japanese. It also reflects that we made preliminary success in the undergraduate teaching reform of Department of the Japanese.
Liu Chang is giving a speech (NHK report)
Award Ceremony
Group Photo of Winners and Judges
参赛选手与评委专家合影 Group Photo of Contestants and Judges
奖杯(二等奖)Trophy for the Second Prize
奖状(二等奖)Certificate of the Second Prize
奖状(优秀奖)Certificate of the Excellence Award |