主讲人:Alice Deignan
主讲题目: 隐喻、体裁与语域(“Metaphor,genre and register”)
Alice Deignan教授现担任英国利兹大学教育学院院长;杂志'Metaphor and the Social World'的主编;欧洲和亚洲多个国家的教师培训师;英国伯明翰大学,约克大学,利物浦大学等院校的校外监审官。教授主要从事词典编纂和应用语言学方面研究并在隐喻与语料库语言学领域有着很大影响。
'Metaphor and Corpus Linguistics' (John Benjamins, 2005, 2008)
'Figurative language, genre and register' (with Elena Semino and Jeannette Littlemore, Cambridge University Press, 2013).
Deignan, A., Semino, E. and Paul, S-A. S. (2017) “Metaphors of climate science in three genres: research articles, educational texts, and secondary school student talk.” Applied Linguistics.
Deignan, A. (2017) “Metaphors in texts about climate change.” Iberica: Special issue on Metaphor in Science and Technology.
Deignan, A. (2015) “MIP, the corpus and dictionaries: What makes for the best metaphor analysis?” Metaphor and the Social World, 5/2, 145-154.
Semino, E., Deignan, A. and Littlemore, J. (2013) “Metaphor, genre and recontextualization”, Metaphor and Symbol.
Deignan, A. and Cameron, L. (2013) “UNDERSTANDING IS SEEING revisited.” Cognitive Semiotics.